Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Final Curtain or Hopefully just Adieu

  • As I progressed through the exercise, I am aware that I already use some of the electronic features in this now digital age.
  • I already use Google Maps as a street directory, but have never used the linkage features before.
  • I realise that MP3 Players give portability to information that no previous era had. Although I most probably will hardly be bursting into the vernacular at least yet, I am aware that there is whole new vocabulary. [Google Accounts is persistent, it wanted to sign me up to another of its products but then wouldn't let me because I was still in Bloggerspot!!]
  • I have appreciated the chance I have been given to be find digital material that I believe some will be of use to me in the coming years. Lynette are Leanne have been so patient. Thank you.
  • I have so much more to learn or "experience" in this ever evolving digital age, I hope the library does not remove the learning programme, even though we won't have the facilitators
  • All new information is not easily remembered unless practised and refreshed. There were many items in the programme that I looked at and did not "discover" or experience. Time was a factor.
  • I do hope the Library always remembers that a library has to have books and not just be digital. It should always be a hybrid.
  • Concept of "play" with the web2 is not yet embedded in my mind . I can see how it may work but not yet.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Friday, November 30, 2007

New Information

I have discovered that the Chasers (ABC)Vodcast and have linked it to my home computer.
The Librarians also ABC doesn't have a Vodcast link. You can only play it streaming straight from the website. ie you can't download it. I've discover podcasts and mashups.

Several weeks ago I attached some RSS feeds to my Google Reader and currently I want to attach a podcast but it has to be one or two that really interests me. I'm just playing with several at the moment.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

Post a Video

I attempted to post one of our mini videos, however it may have been too long. Although they are only little movies made on digital camera, they have been spliced for ease of viewing. I then chose an unspliced one but even that was too long. Stills will have to do.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


In April this year I went for a wonderful holiday to Sydney with three others. I hadn't been since childhood and it was a totally new city to me. The other two were overseas visitors.
A week most definitely is not long enough - I'll have to go back.
One could spend the whole week on the Sydney Harbour front and and there would always be some something interesting even if you you were only watch the water.

This was taken from the Pylon of Harbour Bridge that they have as a museum and tourist attract for snaps.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Zoho Writer

Dear Zoho,

There appears to be more functions in the ruler. Although how many actually work??

Zoho writer needs a separate password from Google docs.

As it has the larger ruler, it may be better that Google docs, though there is very little difference.

If you had to remember a different password that may be a disadvantage.

  • lllll
  • iiiii

Google Docs

I have published this to Google Docs

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I've now examined flickr. Personally I can't see any point in sharing photos with the masses, let alone some very personal ones!
Our family has many beautiful pictures (at least we think they are) that we wish to store and we've purchased a separate hard drive to store them on but haven't yet downloaded any to it. That'll be another learning process in itself so they're still cluttering up our PC's c\drive and growing! Web2 taught me about Picassa. Will it be best the method to label these pictures? Will some other system be better?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007

Wiki - Redmond Barry

I have made my first post on a Wiki. I can see it being very useful for the Desk Procedures Manual and the various desk guidelines which help people find information. The guidelines are still in paper form and the Procedures are in Acrobat on the Intranet. (Acrobat is a clunky method of adding material to the Intranet.) Certain formatting wasn't very clear. Just did a copy and paste of a word document.

There MUST be controls on desk Wikis. and guidelines. They cannot be changed willy nilly.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I can't see the need to share my bookmarks with any one nor to receive shared bookmarks from others.

Yes, I do like cooking but a cursory glance at the recipes led me to believe that I could obtain better ones else where

Sunday, October 28, 2007


I changed the Rose template, putting in a photograph of a rose from our garden. The Japonica bush is also interesting to see.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Today I made some new tentative steps in the cyber world adding my name to a remote Wiki and have already been answered with messages from the other side. What joy!

Have connected a RSS feed to my blog. That certainly could be useful. Connecting RSS feeds to ones toolbar was a decidedly messy business.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The trainers are certainly making me feel more comfortable with blogging. I shall get started learning how to competently blog before moving to Wikkis.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I should be going a blogging but imagination I have none. So to weave such a tale in cyberspace is an impossibility

Thursday, October 4, 2007

This is Thurday We are having fun

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Just a test to open my Blogging career